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Homeopathic Remedies for Neuropathy (Remarkable Overview)

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What does neuropathy mean? “Neuro” stands for nerves and “pathy” stands for “disease of”. Therefore, in simple terms, neuropathy is defined as any condition related to the nerves. It can manifest as tingling, burning, weakness, numbness, or pain in different parts of your body.

Nerves form the interconnected network in the human body that transmits sensory and motor impulses. For this reason, neuropathies are often classified according to the location of the damage or the disease that causes it. There are many types of neuropathies such as peripheral, proximal, cranial, autonomic and focal. To better understand the condition as a whole, it is useful to identify these terms in general terms.

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when nerves outside the brain and spinal cord are damaged or affected. Therefore, symptoms may occur in the upper extremities, such as the arms, hands, and fingers, or in the lower extremities, such as the legs, feet, and toes. Proximal neuropathy primarily affects areas of the shoulder, hip, thigh, or buttocks. In this article we will focus on peripheral neuropathy and proven homeopathic remedies.

What are the causes of peripheral neuropathy?

Many conditions can cause neuropathy.

  • Diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Trauma to nerves
  • Vitamin deficiencies such as B12 or folate
  • Infections such as leprosy, HIV/AIDS
  • Genetic disorders
  • Tumors
  • Certain medications such as cancer therapy drugs
  • Toxins such as organophosphate pesticides
  • Alcohol
  • Idiopathic (when cause is unknown)

Peripheral neuropathy can cause many complications, either from the disease itself or from its complications. Numbness can increase the risk of burns and wounds by making you less sensitive to heat and pain. Lack of sensation in the soles of the feet and fingers can increase the risk of trauma to them. This is very important in conditions like diabetes where patients can develop foot ulcers and gangrene. Therefore, choosing the right remedy for neuropathy has an imperative value. By the way, you might want to explore the range of neuropathy solutions in our store.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a Greek term meaning “similar suffering. It is a practice based on the use of minute and undetectable doses of substances to treat illnesses that can cause similar symptoms in healthy individuals as those who are ill. Each patient is treated as a unique individual, taking into account physical, mental, social and behavioral symptoms. Improvement is observed on all these levels. However, the basis of homeopathy states that a drug becomes more powerful by dilution, which is completely inconsistent with the accepted laws of chemistry.

Homeopathy is based on three main principles or “principles of similarity”.

  1. Like cures like – Similar conditions are given similar drugs. If your cold has symptoms like poisoning of magnesium, cold is treated with magnesium.
  2. Single remedy – Whatever the symptoms, always a single remedy is used
  3. Minimal dose – Minute minimal doses are used for the best results

List of homeopathic remedies

Today, about 3000 different remedies are used in homeopathy. They are most popular in European and Asian regions. Choosing the right remedy can be challenging. It is a time-consuming consultation process. First, a complete history is taken, including cause, predisposing factors. Then an appropriate remedy is recommended according to homeopathic principles.

Commonly used remedies for the treatment of neuropathy are listed below.

  • Aconite (Aconitum) – For burning, tingling sensations in hands and feet
  • Belladonna – For sudden pain in hip, thighs and back
  • Cantharis – Tingling or burning sensations in soles of feet
  • Magnesium phosphate – for spasms and muscle cramps
  • Iron phosphate – Burning sensation in shoulders
  • Hypericum perforatum – Pain in fingers and toes

Other commonly used remedies for neuropathy:

Natural essential oils such as lavender, geranium and tea tree oil are sometimes used today to enhance the action of homeopathic treatments.

Homeopathic remedies have gained a promising popularity since last decade. As homeopaths believe it may be due to several factors.

  • Safety – It is completely safe with no adverse effects. Extreme minute doses have provided additional safety in this regard. Typically, one part of the substance is used to approximately 1012 (1,000,000,000,000) parts of water.
  • Natural – All substances are based on natural ingredients
  • Non-addictive – Once the symptoms are relieved, the patient can stop taking it completely
  • Holistic approach – Unlike Western medicine, it treats the cause, not the symptoms
  • Effectiveness – When the right substance is used, treatment is fast and lasting.

However, there are some drawbacks. Homeopathic remedies are not standardized. Also, there is no standard remedy for every disease. Each condition is treated as unique. As a result, consultation and prescription can take a long time.

Lifestyle changes should also be considered when treating neuropathy. Diet is crucial in this regard. Tobacco and alcohol should be completely eliminated. Fast food, junk food, processed foods, sugar and other sweeteners should be limited. Light exercise is important as it can slow down nerve damage.

essential oils for nerve pain

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A. Schneider

I have peuripheral neuropothy of the lower legs. I’m 92 years old. I’ve had it developing for about 3 years. I have no pain. Occasionally some tingling. It affects my walking and balance. I use a cane when outside. Are there any treatment that you know of the may deminish my symptoms?

Teresa Everett

I’ve had success with acupuncture (and I hate needles). Find someone who specializes in neuropathy.

Dana Rossetti

I have been diagnosed with Neuropathy, CRPS/RSD, Fibromyalgia, ME, Osteoarthritis, Bursitis in every joint, Shingles, Gout.. I can go on & on, I have been to countless Dr’s who did little to nothing to help my severe intolerable widespread pain and swelling
All of these medical issues can be reversed using a PEMF therapy device, there are many on the market and this type of treatment has been researched for years with scientific data, Google PEMF therapy! You won’t be sorry!


As pointed out in the article, a remedy is specific to person and their symptoms, best to go see a ho eopath, which is what I am going to do. the cause is what needs treating


IMHO, Phosphorus is one of the most effective homeopathic remedy for nerves!

Jane Crow

Do some reading on the supplement GABA. It has helped my mom tremendously with the severe nighttime neuropathy pain (burning and tingling) that she is having.

Eron Grisham

My wife suffers from nerve pain inside her mouth. It my have occurred during dental surgery, though denied by oral surgeon. In any case, she is often in agony. Constant pain she treats with lozenges and special lidocaine blend mouthwash prescribed by dentist. Everything she tried is temporary and pain returns as intense as before. It affects her mouth and face. Doctors have no clue as to how to rid her of the pain, its source or possible cure and treatment.

M from Seattle

Please try high potency of Hypericum and see a professional homeopath for permanent cure.


Look for the documentary, Root Cause!


cranial sacral therapy from someone who really knows how to do intra oral mouth work.


Homeopathic medicine is standardized and the manufacturing regulated by the FDA under the HPUS and the 400.400 CPG guidance.

Rajendri Chauhan

Iam seventy years old and have diabities since 1987 and taking insulin 16 units in morning and 12 units in the evening.I am also suffering CALL for which chemotherapy was done. It was indicated that my nerves Have been damaged I have been taking calcium capsules and shashe without any avail.Very frequently Iget severe cramps and pain etc.
Kindly suggest remedy

Sylvia Valdes

I’m 75 years old diabetic maybe 25 years ago I have type 2 diabetis . Lately I had this burning sensation on my back portion. Can you tell me what’s the best remedy to cure my neuropathy . Thank you.

Elly wira

I had this burning sensation on my legs and feet for the last one year now. Am on lyrical 75mg once daily but it is not getting better in the contrary it is worsening.
Am also on nerve support supplement. Is there any advice you can give to relieve this problem

Dana Rossetti

Google PEMF therapy!

everly tesorio

Be specific what medicine or what cure should be done..thanks

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