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How Just 10 Minutes of Meditation a Day Can Help Boost Your Energy

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Summary: Meditation has been practiced for ages. Seers have practiced it to attain spirituality, while avid practitioners do it for dhayana. But meditation has also been a source of vitality. Let's learn how with this blog.

We enjoy a sedentary lifestyle. But sitting in meditation for 10 minutes is a task most of us happily avoid. But would you make the journey to meditation if you learned about the wonders it offers? Read on and decide for yourself.

Meditation is a yogic technique for quieting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness very different from the normal waking state. In meditation, a practitioner explores all levels of himself to experience the highest level of consciousness within. Meditation is a science, and when you practice it, the mind becomes clear, relaxed, alert, and inwardly focused. Not only does the mind experience calmness, but meditation also evokes feelings of bliss, happiness, peace, and positive energy.

But anyone who tries to meditate encounters obstacles because the mind is restless and unruly. That's why most people can't feel the stillness. To realize the goals of meditation, we learn how to meditate.

  1. A Comfortable Place: First, choose a place for meditation that is quiet and well-ventilated. To make your space spiritual, use incense candles, a statue of Buddha, motivational quotes, and more.


  1. Meditative Posture: Simple Pose (Sukhasana), Lotus Pose (Padmasana), and Firelog Pose (Agnistambhasana) are the meditation poses. Sit in these meditation postures with your spine straight and your hands on your lap. Slowly increase the time over time.


  1. Breathe & Breathe: In the meditative posture, do not let go of the breath. Keep breathing. Let the rhythm of the breath take you to places of peace. Whenever you feel distracted, turn to the breath and you will find your focus.


  1. Do not Judge: The science of meditation teaches you the art of non-judgment. It is the practice of letting go of what no longer serves you. Be it thoughts, emotions or feelings. This is how you learn to live in the present.

Meditation Exercises to Perform Daily


  1. Breath Awareness: A meditation that promotes mindful breathing. Practitioners sit in a meditative seated position. They are then encouraged to take deep breaths and focus on the breath. The goal of this meditation is to breathe deeply and ignore any thoughts that may come to mind. Breath awareness meditation offers a wide range of benefits, including reduction of anxiety, improved concentration, and emotional flexibility. It is also one of the most beginner-friendly meditations that most beginners swear by. If you want to learn its technique, a yoga retreat in Thailand is ideal.


  1. Loving-Kindness Meditation: It is also known as Metta meditation. The goal of this meditation is to cultivate an attitude of love and kindness toward yourself and others around you. In this meditation, a mantra that encourages an attitude of loving kindness is repeated to open the mind-soul to feelings of compassion.


  1. Body-Scan Meditation: The body scan, or progressive meditation or progressive relaxation technique, allows people to scan their bodies for areas of tension. The idea is not only to notice the tensions, but to release them through deep breathing and ultimately experience deep relaxation.

Practice these meditation exercises to increase physical, mental, and emotional energy.


  1. Meditation Transforms the Response to Stress: Feeling exhausted on all levels at the end of the day is not a new phenomenon. And there are many reasons for it. If you long for a natural and stable energy supply, meditate. Meditation lowers the level of cortisol in the brain, thus giving fuel to your energy levels.


  1. Meditation Is a Natural Energy Booster: More often than not, we rely on energy drinks and coffee for our daily dose of energy. The problem with these solutions is that they are only temporary. There are many physical exercises like walking, running are proven ways to increase energy levels, but meditation is the natural energy booster and works on the brain, body in a superior way.


  1. Meditation Increases Brain Chemical Levels: For high energy levels, boost these two critical chemicals – DHEA and GH. DHEA is a hormone associated with a general sense of well-being. GH is the growth hormone critical for reducing fatigue and increasing motivation.


  1. Meditation Alters Brain Areas: Meditation changes the key areas of the brain. Meditation enhances the future area of the brain while deactivating the past area of the brain. This allows you to live with less anxiety, stress and tension.


  1. Meditation Raises Levels of Serotonin: When fanatical thoughts and stress are experienced by the brain, the body is unable to heal and repair itself. Meditation increases the level of serotonin, which lifts the mood, speeds up the healing process, and rejuvenates and energizes the body more effectively.


  1. Meditation Activates Natural Healing Process: Meditation activates the body's healing process as well as the release of feel-good hormones in the body, helping the body-mind come into a state of balance. This creates the perfect space for quality sleep, improved mood, and increased energy.

Are you still looking for more reasons to incorporate the science of meditation into your daily life for 10 minutes? How about the fact that it makes you high spirited?

Author Bio: Bipin Baloni is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He organize Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal. Bipin Baloni conducts Yoga Teacher Training in India in different cities. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas.

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