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Neuropathy Relief at Home (That Actually Work)

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There are some types of neuropathy that won't respond to home remedies unless you address the underlying cause first. At the very least, you should do everything you can to find out what is causing the pain, numbness, and tingling in your feet and hands. For example, the most common type of neuropathy is caused by diabetes.

This terrible disease must be carefully managed. Otherwise, blood glucose (sugar) levels will rise above what is safe for the human body, and this high blood sugar can damage peripheral nerves. If you do everything you can to manage diabetes properly, you can then focus on reducing the pain and tingling caused by diabetic neuropathy.

Affects Your Life

If you have this condition, you know how the discomfort and pain of neuropathy can change your mood, keep you from sleeping, and reduce your quality of life. Of course, you can use prescription or over-the-counter medications to reduce the pain. But this method is generally successful less than half the time.

Other causes of peripheral neuropathy should be treated in a similar way. Some of the causes on the list: chemical toxins, medication side effects, physical injury. As with diabetes, it's important to treat both the underlying cause and the symptoms of the neuropathy. If you and a health care professional determine that toxins or medications are causing the problem, you need to eliminate that source.

From there, there are several things you can do to find neuropathy relief at home. In all of these situations – diabetes, toxins, medications, injury – you can make some lifestyle changes and take other steps to gradually improve your overall health. These changes may include changing your diet to include more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products (low fat).


It's also important to combine a regular exercise program with dietary changes. If you eliminate some of the external causes mentioned above or manage your diabetes carefully, you should also start exercising for about 30 minutes every day, every other day, or even more as you progress.

This solution doesn't require you to take drugs or schedule surgery. It was developed by a doctor who used these steps to treat his own neuropathy. Of course, you may want to try a mild, over-the-counter pain reliever for quick, temporary relief. But you should never get to the point of relying on this method for the long term. Serious physical problems can develop with prolonged use.

Some nerve pain management programs recommend increasing the amount of vitamin D in your life. One study shows that people with low levels of this vitamin experience more pain. Taking a supplement will help, as will adding a little more sunlight to your schedule. The body naturally makes vitamin D in response to sunlight.

The Great ‘B' Vitamin

There's another essential vitamin that plays an important role in managing neuropathy pain – vitamin B. In fact, it's important to make sure you get enough B6 and B12. Both can affect nerve health and help fight nerve damage. You can get these vitamins from a healthy diet, but supplements can certainly help.

To return to the idea of exercise: Regular exercise can help keep blood sugar levels under control, which can slow the process of nerve damage. When you exercise, you're increasing blood flow, which means better circulation to your arms, hands, legs, and feet. Regular exercise also improves mood and reduces stress.

You can also get significant relief from pain and tingling by paying more attention to your feet and hands. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes with good support. Keep your feet clean and massage them gently at least once a day. This will provide some relief and promote better circulation. Moreover, don't forget to browse the selection of neuropathy products at our online shop.


You may also find some pain relief with capsaicin cream or alpha lipoic acid. These have been helpful for some people, while others have experienced unpleasant side effects. Once you start making healthier food choices, including more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet, you should also include 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. These are great changes to make, even if you don't have neuropathy!

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